

Lifelong learning is a term that defines a professional today.

The principle of learning, developing, and, at the same time, helping others to do so has always been and will remain one of the main principles of the Committee.

Everyone who is active and willing to improve themselves in their professional field should have this opportunity, regardless of whether the person/organization has the money to pay for training.

Since 2012, we have been holding scientific and practical conferences every two years within the framework of the Parasolka Project together with the Parasolka partner organization (Switzerland). Speakers are the specialists from Ukraine and abroad. Everyone is invited to participate in the conference and practical seminars. Participation is always free. Within our budget, we try to offer participants food and accommodation during their studies. After all, parents with children or relatives with disabilities become often our participants. And for them, financial issues often make it impossible to access practical knowledge and new methods of work.

Conference 2020

This September, the Committee together with Uzhhorod National University and the Parasolka Association is preparing to hold the 5th international conference within the framework of the Parasolka Project. This year our conference was marked by the Ministry of Education and Science. We strongly hope that the pandemic situation will not affect our plans.

Conference topic: Current issues of development of the system of provision of educational, social, medical, habilitation/rehabilitation services to persons with disabilities

The reports cover the following areas:

  • Structure and functions of the system of providing effective educational, medical, social and rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities on a regional level
  • Human resources capacity building for service providers and heads of relevant units: functions, needs, training
  • Main ways of improvement of practical skills of future specialists / Practical workshops on the most relevant topics
  • Communication within the formation of a tolerant and inclusive society
  • Professional management in ensuring the effective functioning of the system of quality services providing to persons with disabilities


Conference 2018

Conference topic: Current issues in the field of providing comprehensive services to people with disabilities

Reports and practical master classes:

  • Persons with severe disabilities
  • Principles of behaviour in case of violence and aggression
  • Physiotherapy for people with disabilities
  • Therapeutic process
  • Communication strategies for people with severe disabilities
  • Other


Conference 2016

Conference topic: Current issues of work with persons with disabilities on the basis of the Parasolka Youth Department of the Vilshany Orphanage

Reports and practical master classes:

  • Subordination to state / municipal authorities and financing of institutions providing services to persons with disabilities / mental disabilities in Switzerland
  • Behaviour disorders in people with intellectual disabilities
  • Alternative (supported) communication. Forms of supported communication with people with intellectual disabilities


Conference 2014

In 2014, the Parasolka Centre celebrated the 5th anniversary of its opening. The conference was of practical nature and took the form of an Open Day.

Topics for practical work:

  • "Portrait of one’s own identity" - work with self-perception of people with disabilities
  • Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders in Ukraine. Realities and prospects
  • Autism
  • How to teach a person with a disability to manage his/her own emotions
  • Friendship, love, sexuality
  • Art workshop


Conference 2012

Conference topic: Exchange of the experience in providing comprehensive social services for people with special needs

Reports and working groups:

  • Development and systems of social services provision in Switzerland
  • Cooperation between psychiatric services and social protection services
  • Practical activities of the Centre for Adults with Disabilities "Buechehof" (Switzerland)
  • The concept of improving psychiatric care for children in Ukraine
  • Assisted living: realities and prospects

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