Jointly with UzhNU: training of skilled personnel
Jointly with UzhNU: training of skilled personnel

The quality and efficiency of the Centre Parasolka, Vilshany Orphanage and other institutions providing services to people with disabilities are highly dependent on the specialists working there. Their training, flexibility, willingness to self-improvement, and the ability to take people with disabilities - all create a basis that allows people with disabilities to develop their self-confidence and faith in their abilities, to become full members of society.

Thus, all approaches and methods are important at the education stage. Future professionals should be trained so that young workers are not confused when starting their careers. The combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills while studying at the university is the basis of success for future specialists.

The Committee has started working closely with Uzhhorod National University, namely with the Faculty of Health and Physical Education, precisely in order to offer students modern, practical knowledge at the stage of the study. Future physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and correctional teachers are educated here.

With the assistance of the Parasolka Association, we were able to establish close contacts with both practical specialists and Swiss universities where such specialists have been being trained.

To share experiences in 2017, we invited the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Physical Education Ivan Myronyuk to get acquainted with the system of education of future professionals in Switzerland.

In 2019, the rector of Uzhhorod National University Volodymyr Smolanka together with Ivan Myronyuk visited specialized universities in Switzerland and the Hightech Research Center of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery of the University Hospital of Basel for personal acquaintance and negotiations with the Committee's partner – Parasolka Association.

Joint visits, conferences, seminars and practical lectures for students of the faculty – this and much more became the subject of close cooperation between Uzhhorod National University and the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattia.

In September 2019, a trilateral cooperation agreement was signed between the Charitable Organization "Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattia", Uzhhorod National University, and the Parasolka Association (Switzerland).

We keep working! Together!


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