International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace: global meanings without stereotypes

International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace: global meanings without stereotypes


Eugenia Melesh, a lawyer of the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattia, actively participates in the events dedicated to the International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace, which are currently taking place in the Zakarpattia oblast. Presentations, discussions, social media challenges, round tables, awards, lectures, etc. are planned in Zakarpattia from February 26 to March 8. This year's events and meetings are united by the theme "Women's Leadership: Towards an Equal Future in the World at the Time of Pandemic”.

Within the framework of the round table on the status and role of women in law enforcement, civil protection, border service, in the field of security and defense of the state "March 8 in uniform", Eugenia Melesh made a presentation "How to strengthen the role of women in law enforcement: opportunities and challenges ". In particular, the lawyer told why it is important to increase the number of women in law enforcement agencies, what are the systemic steps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in reforming, taking into account the gender component. Among other things, the work of the Association of Women Lawyers "YurFem" was presented as an example of professional consolidation to enhance the importance and professional competence of women.

During the expert discussion "Opportunities for Women's Leadership in the Zakarpattia Oblast" within the All-Ukrainian online marathon "Women's Leadership Time" the challenges facing leaders from all regions of Ukraine and the prospects for uniting the efforts of women- politicians, civil society, and government in the fight against gender discrimination and sexism were discussed. Summing up, the participants stressed the urgency of finding the necessary tools to protect and realize women's political rights, develop and support women's leadership potential.

On March 8, on the occasion of the International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace, Uzhhorod will host a street action "March of Women" and a free excursion "Invisibly noticeable. Women in the history of Uzhhorod”.

International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace: global meanings without stereotypes International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace: global meanings without stereotypes International Day for the Protection of Women's Rights and Peace: global meanings without stereotypes

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