#freeMaksymButkevych. The world is running on free people!

#freeMaksymButkevych. The world is running on free people!


Everyone who has known the Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya for a long time also knows Maksym Butkevych! He has always been and remains our friend, like-minded partner, and simply an integral part of our organization's team. We have hundreds of different joint cases, projects and events both in Ukraine and abroad.
Maksym Butkevych is a Ukrainian human rights defender, journalist, and since March 2022, a lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
On June 24, we learned that Maksym and his fellow soldiers were captured by the Russian occupiers in the Luhansk region. No news since then...
Meanwhile, the propaganda of the Russian Federation draws Maks all possible neo-Nazi horns in order to exclude him from the list of prisoners of war and try him in a puppet pseudo-court as a terrorist/extremist, which he certainly is not.

Everyone who knows Maks also knows how he saved other lives for decades (just like that, and no other way).
Now there is time to do the same for Butkevych

#freeMaksymButkevych. The world is running on free people! #freeMaksymButkevych. The world is running on free people! #freeMaksymButkevych. The world is running on free people!

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