The experience of the CO "CAMZ" was presented at the all-Ukrainian conference on deinstitutionalization

The experience of the CO "CAMZ" was presented at the all-Ukrainian conference on deinstitutionalization


Recently, the director of the Charitable Organization "Medical Aid Committee in Zakarpattya" Nataliya Kabatsiy was a speaker at the All-Ukrainian conference on deinstitutionalization "Best practices for the reintegration of children with disabilities into families and the transformation of institutions." Reformers from all regions of Ukraine took part in the event, their goal is to demonstrate by their own example that deinstitutionalization of children with disabilities is possible.

The experience of the Social Abilitation and Rehabilitation Centre Parasolka as a joint project of the CAMZ and the Parasolka Association (Switzerland) was the subject of discussion and interest from experts. Nataliya Kabatsiy spoke about the way the institution was created, its transformation, and issues that arose during the implementation of the project. It is important to note that " Parasolka ", which was and remains closely connected with the functioning of the Vilshany Children Orphanage, was created at the time of the so-called "old system", that was, purely institutional, and evolved along with changes in the state's perception of boarding-type institutions, often anticipating the dynamics of these changes with their practices.

“It was important for us to find a place for a new type of institution in the city, and not in a territory remote from settlements, as the old system suggested. People with disabilities are full members of society, and they must be provided with access to the opportunities available the community for living and development. In addition, the city creates more favorable conditions for attracting the necessary specialists. The implementation of our plan was preceded by systematic work both with representatives of local authorities and with the population, because, as it turned out, stereotypical perception of any humanitarian initiatives, especially those related to persons with disabilities, is deeply rooted in our society. And this misunderstanding for some time was an obstacle in the work. However, communication and demonstration of the positive experience of Swiss colleagues helped to solve these problems. As a result, while simultaneously developing the institution, preparing for the new format of residence of our clients, we fought for the independence of the institution in order to develop its structure, expand the range of services that were provided not only to the inhabitants of " Parasolka ", but also to the residents of the community", said Natalya Kabatsiy.

She also emphasized that one of the main achievements of the Parasolka Centre's is the change in the city's attitude towards the Centre's clients. To date, Tyachiv has accepted young people with disabilities, and integrated them in the social and cultural life of the community, which is an extremely valuable factor for the team's activities.

"The plans for further development include the opening of a Training and Resource Centre, development of a day care unit, creation of a social enterprise, provision of temporary stay, supported employment and living in the community. I would like to emphasize that these plans have already been partially implemented, and the rest are formulated in a clear strategy and sequence of joint efforts of the Committee and our partners," Nataliya Kabatsiy added.

The participants of the expert discussion confirmed that problems in the field of social protection are common to all regions, and successful cases are rather an exception to the general situation. However individual successes are an example and valuable experience for their multiplication. And this requires communication between representatives of the public sector, responsible local self-governments, MPs and government structures. Dialogue at every managerial decision-making level and strategic planning is the key to effective implementation of the deinstitutionalization reform in Ukraine.

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